Sunday, May 19, 2013


First of all, I'd like to thank everybody for the well wishes and encouragement.  I definitely need some of that right now and it means a lot to me.  I am feeling a hundred times better than last Sunday.  Fucking flu.  Who gets the flu in May?!  Ugh...

As I was eating breakfast this morning (veggie omelette and fruit salad), I remembered about this book I had about a low GI diet.  I borrowed it from a friend in a whirlwind idea I had of actually following it.  Obviously, I did not.  I didn't even really read it but I thumbed through it this morning and I found this gem, among others.  Listed below is in the chapter titled "Grocery List."  I had to take a picture because I knew you all would think I was nuts but it's laid out right there.  Apparently candy bars are good "snacks" on a low GI diet.  Not pictured is another section titled, "sustaining snacks," which included ice cream (low fat, of course), milkshakes, and oatmeal cookies.  I think I'll be returning this book to my friend and telling her to throw it away.  

I got my test results back yesterday and my insulin value was 51.  Normal is 2-24.  Epic fail.  C-peptide was also high though I don't remember than one off the top of my head.  My first day of metformin, the only side effect I noticed was (TMI AHEAD) a bit of loose poo.  Nothing awful, just noticeable.  Today, after my second dose last night, I haven't noticed anything.  I am so relieved.  I'll be on 500mg for two weeks then increase to 1000mg.  I have another round of labs to be drawn before I see the doctor again in three months and I'm hoping those numbers will decrease.  If I eat the way I know I should be eating, I don't think I'll have any problems getting that done.  

The worst part about this change is going to be all the bullshit I will hear from family, friends, co-workers, etc. about not eating shit.  I'm really not looking forward to it.  I need to keep reminding myself to not give a fuck about what everybody says.  

I'm taking it easy today, trying to find some low carb vegetarian recipes.  It's pretty damn hot today so we might save our walk for after dinner when it is a bit cooler outside.  

Back to work tomorrow.  Boo.


  1. I think the only reason they put chocolate candy, etc. on that list is that the glycemic index (different from the sugar content, of course) is better in foods which contain fat and maybe protein in them to go along with the carbs, as opposed to eating things that are basically pure sugar. In other words, if you feel the urge to eat a "baddie," a chocolate bar trumps a bag of Skittles.

    1. Makes sense but it doesn't seem like a good idea to advise a person to eat a candy bar as a snack instead of real food.

  2. You're not alone. I got the flu in May of 2009. Worst.

    I am glad you're feeling better. You'll be able to get a fresh start with your tummy now and feed it the good stuff. You'll be 100% in no time. Chin up!

  3. Peanut M&M's - I could get on board w/that ;-) !!!
    I've purged the shelves of most of our crappy Old Diet books, only holding onto low-carb standbys like Protein Power, South Beach, and my two paleo cookbooks: Everyday Paleo & Well Fed...

    1. I don't have many diet books, just one huge cookbook with vegetarian recipes. I have a lot of workout books though. And peanut butter M&M's were my favorite! They were like tiny morsels of heroin to me though which is why they WERE my favorite!
