Friday, May 17, 2013

It's Official...

...I'm Fat.  Well, we all already knew that.  The diagnosis of PCOS is official as of Tuesday morning.  I saw an endocrinologist and he said based on my history and current symptoms I definitely have it.  I also may be insulin resistant and now I'm terrified.  He gave me metformin to take and I haven't taken it yet because I read about everybody's horror stories on the web.  He gave me the extended release version which is supposed to ease the side effects.  God, I hope so.  Now, I am to watch the carbs, no more than 40-50g per meal as per the doc.  I was also told to keep up the exercise and I'll see him again in three months.  They took 8 tubes of blood and he ordered like ten blood tests so the results of those will confirm the insulin resistance, if I actually have it.  I most likely do.  I'm really bummed.  I kinda always knew I was but was in denial because only unhealthy fat people have blood glucose/insulin problems.  I don't know what the fuck I was thinking.  I am fat and semi-healthy.  Minus the fat.  My first dose of metformin will be tonight after dinner.  I wanted to take it over a weekend when I wasn't at work in case my ass falls out from diarrhea or I double over in stomach pain.  I'm hoping not but there are some bad stories out there from women who have taken it.  I need to stop reading those.  

I think the flu has run its course as of Wednesday.  I went to work and felt OK.  I am easing myself back into my normal diet.  If I did it all at once, all the fiber I usually eat would clean me out all at once.  I don't want that in combination with the metformin.

Not much else going on around here.  I was picked to submit an abstract to possibly have the opportunity to present it at a meeting in the fall.  It's in Philadelphia, too!  So, I'd actually get a chance to rub elbows with some other cell therapy nerds.  I hope it goes through.  I'm actually really excited about the opportunity.  We'll see what happens...

I haven't been blog-lurking as much as I was.  The flu really kicked my ass.  I literally spent about 4 days on the couch doing nothing because I felt like death.  I'm pretty sure I watched every single movie and/or TV show on Netflix.  Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and attempting a light workout.  I should be OK, as long as I have enough calories on board.  

Ugh...I hate being fat.  


  1. Hope the flu has moved on...

    I did not have to take metformin for my PCOS, but look at it this way: any side effects you might have from it are a lot less concerning than what PCOS/insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome will do to your body in the long term if you don't get the ball rolling.

    And if you follow a diet of clean foods with complex carbs from veggies and fruit rather and drop enough lbs, chances are excellent your symptoms will disappear or diminish to such a point that metformin is no longer needed. I have virtually NO PCOS symptoms after my weight loss -- periods are very regular, blood work is stellar, cravings gone.

    Kick its ASS!

    1. That 2nd paragraph was supposed to say, "complex carbs from veggies & fruit rather than refined or simple carbs" -- sorry, was on my way to bed when I wrote it.

      Again, hope you're feeling better; don't push too hard at the gym today...the flu you had sounds terrible. Take care!

  2. Norma already said it - I wish to hell MY endocrinologist had rec low-carb years ago when I was complaining about the weight gain post thyroidectomy...
    All he did was pat my hand supportively, tell me to cut out the "white foods" (sugar & flour), and sympathize how hard it was...

  3. Hi. Just popping in from Alan's blog.
    I hope you feel better soon!!
