Monday, April 8, 2013

Don't Tase Me Bro!

Well, well, virgin post. 

I'm hoping this blog will be about my life (kind of), work, and my odyssey towards fitness and a healthy lifestyle.  I decided against a "imfatandthisismyblog" title because I want it to be more than that.  Yes, I am fat and yes, this is my blog but I don't plan on droning on and on and on about food, fatness, why I'm fat, the excuses why I am still fat, blaming my fucked up hormones, get the idea.

I'm a scientist by day and a fucking badass the rest of the time.  If you don't love science, then FUCK YOU, LEAVE.  I like to use dirty words, especially when it comes to talking about my job.  As much as I love the actual work (sometimes), my boss and the dumbass shit he does every day may result in my spontaneous combustion.  This is why I exercise and why I bake and cook, which is why I'm fat a work in progress. 

I think I just popped my blog cherry (gross, I know, I'm sorry). 

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