I threw in half an avocado in my smoothie this morning. It was...OK...kind of weird tasting. It made it really thick and creamy though so it was like drinking a milkshake. I threw in two strawberries, a splash of OJ, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder and some water along with the avocado. This made a little more than usual so I had the remainder which was about 1/3 cup before my workout. It actually tasted better after it sat a while or maybe I just didn't care because I was ravenous and sucked it down quickly.
Workout today was legs and I'm definitely feeling it. I arrived late, at 7:20, so I had to hustle through to get to work at a decent time. Thankfully my bosses aren't strict about arrival time but I don't like to get there much past 8:30 because then I have to stay later. I think a pulled a muscle doing lunges this morning right where my butt cheek meets my leg. I'll have a nice long stretch session when I get home today and make the Mister rub it for me :)
I am itching to step on the scale but I have been restraining myself. I was weighing daily and the normal fluctuations were starting to bum me out so I figured a month off from the scale would be a good idea. I recorded a starting weight and some measurements so hopefully by the end of the month some of those numbers will go down.
Period is starting this week which is always a great fucking time.
Happy Fucking Monday.
I tried avocado in a smoothie once.. Didn't care for it either! Glad I'm not the only one :)