Monday, April 22, 2013


So I've had an interesting past few days.  I think I picked up a bug at work and I had this vague weak and fatigued feeling all weekend.  It wasn't that bad, I still managed to make it to the gym.  But this morning it caught up with me.  Usually before I work out in the morning I eat a half a banana and a tablespoon of PB.  Well I still felt icky and kind of nauseous so I didn't eat it.  Terrible idea and I should have known better because I was thisclose to passing out.  So I went in the locker room to get my rescue pack of energy goo.  I choked it down with some water and the shakes went away but then I was exhausted.  I didn't finish my workout and called out sick from work.  I went home, managed to eat some oatmeal and I went back to bed.  I woke up 4 hours later feeling like I had risen from the dead. 

Ugh. What the fuck.  All this has happened before so I now have an appointment with a my GP doc tomorrow but I'm sure she will just refer me to an endocrinologist but I already have an appointment with one in May that I made back in February.  I had a glucose tolerance test a few years ago and it was normal so I don't know what to make of it. 

Anyway...Saturday I went out with some friends and I nursed two beers then switched to soda water with lime so it looked like I was drinking.  I didn't feel like a guilt trip from my friends about not drinking.  I used to be quite the party girl and was always more than willing to get shit faced.  I'm too fucking old for hangovers.  They fucking hurt and it takes me out for a good two days. 

The pic I attached is from a cookie that was brought into work by one of our research students.  She is from Saudi and brought some back with her.  I assume the "animal obesity" was lost in translation and it is actually lard or something similar.  And for the record, I did not have any.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your mystery illness! Hope you're much better by now. That label is awesome...the translated directions and stuff on foreign products can be so amusing.
