Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Because I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough And..."

"...Dog-gonnit, people like me."

This year's Lab Week celebration has actually been very nice.  We were treated to a pizza lunch today (of course) and they gave every lab person a nice stainless steel water bottle.  I ate one small slice of veggie pizza and a giant salad.  Someone made cookies that had the ABO/Rh groups on them.  They were a cute idea and I had an AB negative one, the most rare type!  I worked late so I had brought a giant salad with me because I knew I wouldn't be home.  Tomorrow they are having a happy hour at a local bar so I will probably make an appearance before I head home.

My weight this morning was 178.  Although I may not technically be following Whole30 to a "T," I don't plan on weighing at all during the month of May.  My Whole30 goals will be a little different.  I'm cutting out added sugar so this will include my precious vanilla soy milk.  I only drink 1/2 c. per day currently in my breakfast smoothie but I think it will be a good idea to cut back.  I can replace it with water and if they start tasting bad, I can throw in some plain powdered milk.  I'm debating on whether or not I should give up dairy.  I'll get back to you on that one.  It's hard to beat 14g protein in 1/2 c of cottage cheese.  I am also going to limit my fruit to 2 servings per day.  Strawberries in my morning smoothie and an apple or orange with lunch or after dinner.  We'll see how this goes.  I think it will be good for me.  Well, obviously, it can't be bad.

I will make sure to post my meals every day but there will be a lot of repeats, I'm sure.  

Tomorrow is Friday!  Fuck yeah!

1 comment:

  1. The unsweetened vanilla almond milk is what I use, or try the unsweetened coconut milk -- that's good, too.

    We were just talking about blood types the other day. My ex is constantly being contacted by the Red Cross to donate, because he is AB- ! :) (and he is a good doobie; he does donate frequently)
